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"Hi Yves,
I find the purpose of your proposal for this class to be a good choice! One that relates to what you are doing currently as well as something you would like to improve on. Analysing Western or Pacific poems/texts is an interesting topic. To also add an allure to this you are also creating your own creative response. I think that this is fantastic. 
A few things on your first post: 
1- Your overall goal is to be able to understand and improve your writing in regards to Pacific/Western literature. I think one way to do this is when you choose a text each week from a Westerner/Pacific Islander to do a background check and description of the author in your post. This will help not only you but us readers as well, to have a bit more context in regards to your posts and also be able to connect more with the text. It's kind of like seeing beyond the words and to the heart of the writer. More relatable and I think it would also give you an overall better understanding of your analysis. 
2- Grammar check. You have several grammatical and spelling errors throughout your post. No biggie, but this can definitely be improved in the upcoming weeks. 
3- I'm very sorry to hear that you have experienced such treatment in your workplace. I definitely agree with your reflection post, equality and respect within not only the workplace but everywhere. Using personal experiences is good and I really felt the emotion behind your writing. Your creative response was excellent!! I really liked how you flipped it from the employee perspective to the employer. Very clever!
Looking forward to your upcoming posts."
Posted on 3 September 2017 

"Hi Thorne,

Wow! Your project is extremely unique and very inquisitive. Your writing is captivating and I'm impressed with the progress you have made over these weeks. I think I remember that your original project was solely photography and I'm glad to see you're still incorporating it with your current idea now. 
The concept of 'Human' is interesting and definitely one of self-reflection and self-discovery. Like you said, even though you are interviewing other people, it in turn reflects back on you. Growing up my Mum would always tell me "look at your friends and you're looking at you" and that was to both make sure I remained true to myself and realize that we are who we surround ourselves with. 
Again, your idea is highly creative and reflective, which works perfectly with our paper! I hope your struggles with the photography side of things works itself out! 
Lastly, I wasn't too sure where the comment box was for your First Reflection post? If there was one.

All the best."

Posted on 25 September 2017

"Hi Megan,

I'd like to start by saying WOW! I absolutely love your project! The fact your are combining baking with history is the most neat idea. Reading a few of your posts, I can feel your passion you have for baking. I never thought about where a certain dish or cupcake might have originated from. The history aspect of your project brings in another layer of interest and intrigue to your posts. If you go way back to the origin of how, say a cupcake came to be, I'm sure it would be completely different to how we consider them today. 
From what I've seen you're doing amazing so far! If I were to give you any advice I would say to get a taste tester...namely me. I completely volunteer!

Good luck with your upcoming bakes."

Posted on 27 September 2017

"Hi Megan!

You have done such an impeccable job with your website, I actually mistake it for a professional baking site not an assignment for Uni. As I previously commented, your passion and love for baking really does shine through with each of your posts making them a delight to read. Your journey with baking through history really has inspired me in a few ways. I'm the kind to burn and destroy in the kitchen but you have definitely given me a new and encouraging outlook on baking. I'd rather be the taste tester than the baker but the satisfaction you get from successfully making something is the best feeling, so I may just try again...wish me luck!
Reading your final reflection I can't help but relate to many of the struggles you've faced as well. Namely the art board experience. I didn't do photography back in highschool, but I did Art and had to make an art board which I spent SO MUCH time working on, only to get a Achieved as well. Like you, it dulled my confidence on art in whole and I've never painted again. The fact you've used this class to gain back that confidence in your talent is amazing. Everything was intriguing from your topic to your posts and definitely your photography!

Well done & I do recommend you keep blogging!"

Posted on 29 October 2017.

"Hi Dalia,

I have read a few of your posts and think you've done a great job of providing experiences and perspectives of how and why Maori should be more implemented in the New Zealand culture.
It's no secret our country is one of many cultures and diversity. People from all around the world come to live here that very reason and in turn are educated in the Maori culture. Maori culture is no doubt important to New Zealand's identity, but the culture and history isn't one that is familiar world-wide. The Maori culture and traditions are ones that many Maori are trying to uphold in this constantly advancing society. I personally believe everyone who comes into this country are naturally exposed to the Maori/Kiwi culture but should still hold true to their own. With people like Director Taika Waititi, whose film - Thor Ragnarok - I recently watched, it involves "Kiwi" humor. It gave the world an insight to jokes only New Zealand people would understand and for a movie that millions will watch will hopefully give the Kiwi culture more recognition worldwide. 

Great work and all the best." 

Posted on 29 September 2017.

Hi Emily,

I really love the concept of your website. Sign Language is one of the top 3 languages in New Zealand showing not only it's popularity but importance. I like how you are combining your project with your in class experiences as it makes the whole process of NZSL learning that much more fascinating. From the few posts you have written, I enjoy the tips you have provided! The no-voice policy is a very effective one as the best way to learn a language needed for the deaf community. 
Your videos give emphasis to your personal learning and progress so great idea to include that. If I could make a suggestion, in the video your hands go outside the screen a couple times and since your hands are the main feature of SL it would be good to have more space around you. Your facial expression is on point! 

Very good work so far! 

Posted on 29 October 2017. 

~ Classmate's comments can be found on any one of my weekly book reviews. The following are comments I've made on various classmate's sites. ~
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